The sun pried through the morning fog and splashed across Leif Skorochod’s unshaven face as he sifted hurriedly through the pile of bike parts in his tent, picking out the rejects and tossing them into the back of a public works truck.  

Like most of the homeless residents on Willow Street Tuesday morning, Skorochod was headed for either a city-sanctioned tent camp or the barracks-style homeless shelter at Moscone Convention Center after city workers arrived early that morning and gave them a choice: accept shelter or leave.  

Homeless Outreach Team members discussed placement options with tent residents while Public Works crews tossed items into truck beds. At least two residents received hotel rooms because they have underlying health conditions. The rest of those the Public Press spoke to were either headed to Moscone or a sanctioned camp site. 

Skorochod was nervous about being exposed to coronavirus or other illnesses at Moscone, he said, and would likely opt to stay outdoors at a sanctioned camp instead. 

Read the full story here.

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